Ionisose jaoks on jätkusuutlikkus alati olnud meie strateegia keskmes. Teeme järjekordse olulise sammu, liitudes Science Based Targets algatusega (SBTi), mis on rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud raamistik ettevõtete kliimategevuseks. Selle algatusega liitudes kohustume... read more →
Ionisos, Euroopa meditsiiniseadmete steriliseerimise liider, on uhke uue steriliseerimistehase ehitamise üle Henriville'is, Prantsusmaal, kasutades tipptasemel röntgentehnoloogiat. See algatus märgib olulist sammu meie võrgustiku pidevas laienemises ja meie pühendumuses innovatsioonile ja... read more →
“April 14, 2021. IONISOS announces today the launch of the construction of a new manufacturing site in Kleve, Germany. The site will sterilize medical devices with #ethylene oxide and will start operations in... read more →
IONISOS Germany announces the start of the construction of its third electron accelerator in Bautzen
The construction work for the concrete walls started in April and the commissioning is scheduled for next year, April 2021. With this new third accelerator, the Bautzen site will be... read more →
Dear customers, In the actual health context, we would like to inform you that IONISOS has taken all necessary measurements to comply with the government recommendations to reduce the spread... read more →
Ionisos Group had present at the CPhl worldwide exhibition during 9-11 October in Feria de Madrid (IFEMA)