Ethylene Oxide Sterilization
The validation of ETO sterilization occurs in three main steps:
1/ Installation qualification (QI): the purpose is to confirm that the logistics tool used complies with current standards.
2/ Operational qualification (QO): this demonstrates that the equipment is capable of applying the treatment while adhering to the defined cycle parameters (temperature, humidity, EO concentration, time, etc.).
3/ Performance qualification (QP): this attests to the consistency of the equipment in its operation to apply the predefined criteria, thus ensuring perfect sterility of the products. To achieve this, a minimum of three consecutive cycles must be executed for the process to be considered reproducible.
Various laboratory tests will also be conducted: microbial load tests, routine checks, cultures of biological indicators, verification tests for the population of these indicators, sterility tests, and more.
The process must be revalidated every two years. In the event of modifications to the product or its packaging, either a complete validation or a reduced QP will be performed.