Sterilization Temperature

Sterilization Temperature:
An Essential Variable in the Industry

There are different sterilization techniques in industrial settings, depending on the type of product and the specific requirements of the sector. The sterilization temperature, in particular, varies depending on the method used.

The use of ethylene oxide has the main advantage of preventing damage to fragile or heat-sensitive materials. Indeed, this technique is effective at temperatures between 30 and 60°C, compared to 100°C or more for other methods.

Low-temperature sterilization: the advantages of ethylene oxide

Ethylene oxide is a gas widely used for sterilization in medical or pharmaceutical environments. It has the unique ability to penetrate deep into any air-permeable material, allowing products to be sterilized within their packaging.

Another key advantage of low-temperature sterilization with ETO is the variety of materials that can be treated using this process: polymer resins, heat-sensitive plastics, electronic components… This technique offers a dual benefit: perfect preservation of material properties and achievement of the desired sterility assurance level.

Why choose ETO sterilization for medical devices?

Beta or gamma ionization is a highly effective ambient temperature sterilization process (also known as “cold sterilization”), but it is not suitable for all products. In the pharmaceutical and medical fields, certain materials are incompatible with these techniques.

To ensure the proper sterilization of medical devices, ethylene oxide remains one of the best solutions. This method is used to treat gauze, care kits, laboratory equipment, and more. ETO has the unique ability to directly destroy the DNA of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms present on the treated product.

How does ethylene oxide sterilization work?

This low-temperature decontamination process consists of three successive stages:

  • Pre-conditioning, during which the products are humidified and slightly heated, taking into account their composition;
  • Vacuum sterilization, which takes place in a sealed chamber and generally lasts several hours;
  • Dynamic aeration or degassing, which aims to eliminate any gas residues and usually lasts between 24 to 48 hours.

Various parameters can be adjusted during ETO sterilization: temperature, humidity, gas concentration, and exposure time. These factors depend directly on the product being treated.

IONISOS, expert in industrial sterilization

With our various treatment sites across France and Europe, we are able to guarantee both responsiveness and efficiency. Our facilities have their own quality analysis laboratories, offering an added assurance of reliability. Our expertise in low-temperature industrial sterilization covers three techniques: ethylene oxide, beta ionization, and gamma ionization. Feel free to contact us for any further information.

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