Ethylene oxide (also called EO gas or ETO) is an odorless and colorless gas that has the unique property of damaging the DNA of microorganisms such as bacteria and mold. In this way, it prevents them from reproducing. It is thus widely used by health sector professionals to sterilize products.
The ETO treatment is performed under vacuum at low temperatures, within sealed chambers where products are placed in their final packaging, which must be permeable to air.
The gas will penetrate the different layers of packaging and spread into the smallest folds of the products, sterilizing all accessible surfaces with perfect reliability.
The handling of products is broken down into three immutable steps: preconditioning, sterilization, and degassing.
During preconditioning, products are preheated and humidified to ensure a uniform treatment. Degassing, on the other hand, is carried out in an aeration cell. It eliminates any residues by performing a series of vacuum and rinsing cycles.
The gas concentration, temperature, humidity, and exposure time are carefully calculated before treatment, based on the density and composition of the products.