Chaumesnil (near Troyes)
Beta rays
Tel : 33 (0)
Fax : 33 (0)
- Treatment by pallet level (robot)
- All types of pallet accepted
- Emergency treatment possible
- Product validation in a single operation
The Chaumesnil Aube-Champagne plant is reserved for sterilisation of large batches of equipment originating from the medical-surgery, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and packaging industries.
For automation and computerisation of treatment: high rates by an electron accelerator with 20 kW power and 10 MeV energy. Products are handled by computer immediately upon arrival with automatic treatment by pallet layer conveyor. Depalletiser/repalletiser robot for easier handling.
The Chaumesnil plant is suited for irradiating large batches.
It uses state-of-the-art technology based on automated and computerised irradiation operations:
- High irradiation rates by an electron accelerator with 20 kW power and 10 MeV energy
- Products are handled by computer immediately upon arrival,
- Automatic treatment by pallet layer conveyor
- Depalletiser/repalletiser robot for automated handling.
- High irradiation throughput
- Annual irradiation throughput of over 50,000 pallets per year
- Maximum package dimensions:
- 1000 x 1200 x 500 mm (for a weight of 100 kg).
Dagneux (near Lyon)
Gamma rays
176 Route de Balan
Tel : 33 (0)
Fax : 33 (0)
Autoroute A42 sortie La Boisse
- Homogeneous irradiation doses
- All types of pallet accepted
- Very accurate dosing possible
- Customised irradiation
IONISOS has three irradiation units at Dagneux (D1 – D2 – D3) with a total admissible capacity of 3,500,000 Curies of Cobalt 60.
D3 is an industrial unit which uses a tray conveyor system enabling batch treatment with low dose deviations; the conveying, handling and inspection system is fully automated.
It has a throughput of 50,000 pallets per year.
Tray conveyor dimensions:
- 600 x 420 x 2000 mm,
- maximum package weight 150 kg.
Pouzauges (near Nantes)
Gamma rays
31 Rue René Truhaut
Tel : 33 (0)
Fax : 33 (0)
- Treatment without depalletising
- Pallet unaffected
- Packages up to 2,16 m3 and 1 tonne
- Treatment at refrigerated temperatures
Irradiation is performed by the pallet, maximum dimensions 1000 x 1200 x 1600 mm, around a square source, with no human intervention, from the automatic storage/retrieval machine to the unit; maximum capacity 3,000,000 Curies.
Maximum pallet dimensions:
- 1 x 1.2 x 1,6 m and 1,000 kgs
Sablé sur Sarthe (near Le Mans)
Gamma rays
ZA de l’Aubrée
Tel : 33 (0)
Fax : 33 (0)
- Treatment without depalletising
- Pallet unaffected
- Packages up to 2.4 m3 and 1 tonne
- Treatment at refrigerated temperatures
The plant at Sablé, which opened in September 1992, was designed by CONSERVATOME and built by GAME, a subsidiary of SGN.
Irradiation is performed: by the pallet, maximum dimensions 1000 x 1200 x 2000 mm, on two separate lines around a plane source, enabling low doses to be administered at very competitive rates, with no human intervention, from the automatic storage/retrieval machine to the unit; maximum capacity 3,500,000 Curies.
The SABLE plant implements a fully automatic system. Irradiation is carried out directly by the pallet or big bag, with no human intervention, using an automatic storage/retrieval machine.
Maximum pallet dimensions:
- 1 x 1,2 x 2 m et 1.000 kgs
- capacity 50,000 pallets per year
Gien (near Orléans)
The Ethylene Oxide
ZI Les Montoires
3 rue Gustave Eiffel
45500 GIEN
Tel : 33 (0)
Fax : 33 (0)
- Des capacités de réception permettant la réception de conteneurs maritimes et la mise sur palettes des conditionnements avant préparation et traitement.
- Des capacités de pré-conditionnement de 4×18 palettes
- Des capacités de traitement avec 3 cellules de 1×17 palettes et 2×18 palettes
Souhaitant répondre à toutes les demandes de ses clients, Ionisos, leader français de la stérilisation par ionisation (gamma et bêta) a décidé de se doter d’une unité de stérilisation à l’oxyde d’éthylène et a créé Stérylène.
Une cellule d’aération dynamique de 18 palettes basée sur des cycles de mise sous vide et permettant une régulation de la température. Cet autoclave permet d’obtenir la désorption dans des délais inférieurs à 24 heures de produits difficiles tant par les matériaux utilisés que par la conception et le conditionnement des dispositifs.
Une capacité de stockage dynamique de 150 palettes avec contrôle de la température et de la ventilation.
Une capacité de stockage dynamique de plus de 100 m3 avec contrôle de la température et de l’hygrométrie particulièrement destinée à l’aération des archives et des collections des bibliothèques après traitement dans l’attente du seuil d’OER souhaité.
Un hall de stockage des produits traités.
Iberica (near Madrid)
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Polígono Industrial « Tarancón Sur »
C/ Rocinante, parcela 50
16400 Tarancón
Tel : +34 969 320496
Fax : +34 969 325202
Ionisos Ibérica es un centro de servicios especializado en el tratamiento de productos mediante electrones de alta energía.
Services :
- Medical devices & pharmaceutical
- Packaging & Cosmetics
- Food packaging
- Wine Corks
- Human Food
- Animal Feed
- Materials Modification
The strict quality norms which control the health care industry require complex and environmentally safe technology which guarantee sterilization. Ionisos Iberica has the experience and knowledge to offer expert advice and solutions to specific customer requirements.
At Ionisos Iberica, we consider that our most important objective is to provide quality with speed and efficiency. We are a company that enjoys an open exchange of knowledge to work alongside our customers to find the best solution to their particular needs.
Deutschland (near Desde)
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Nikolaus-Otto-Straße 5,
02625, Bautzen,
The IONISOS Group acquired a facility for electron beam cross-linking in Germany in November 2016.
This location in Salzenforst near Bautzen and close to Dresden was built in 2009 by LEONI AG. The strategic location in the three-country corner ensures direct access to the markets in Poland and the Czech Republic.
Presently, two state-of-the-art accelerator lines (Energy 1.5 – 3.0 MeV, output 220 kW) are used to treat reeled products such as cables, pipes and heat shrinkable tubing. In the process, the long polymer chains of the Polyolefins are crosslinked by introducing new carbon-carbon bonds into the molecular structure.
Crosslinking leads to considerable improvement in the heat performance, mechanical and chemical properties of the materials, so melting, for example, is not possible anymore.
At Ionisos Bautzen approximately 30 highly motivated employees are working in 3 shift mode and provide a reliable service to customers in Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Austria.
The electron beam equipment includes hi-tech in-line monitoring of the cross-linking process thus ensuring the high quality requirements of our customers can be reproducibly achieved.
The facility currently processed approximately 100 million linear meters of customer product each year and has capacity available to cater for market growth over the foreseeable years.
The actual processing of materials takes place in a shielded concrete vault with a speed of up to several 100 meters per minute. The goods are unreeled and exposed to the accelerated electrons according to clearly defined process parameters.
The electrons penetrate the materials homogenously and lead to the desired crosslinking effect. Radiation crosslinking of polymers is very well accepted in various fields of application and offers cost and quality advantages compared to chemical crosslinking. Radiation cross-linking is often a more economical alternative to the use of high priced high performance polymers.